GEO GIRL Channel
GEO GIRL is a YouTube channel which shares free educational videos and courses over a range of geoscience topics.
Rachel, the creator of GEO GIRL, started the channel to make her career as a scientist more impactful. She feels that the world of academia is extremely exclusive and wants to break down those barriers.
Rachel Phillips
Rachel recieved her PhD in geological sciences from the University of Texas at El Paso in 2023. Her doctoral research utilized biogeochemistry to study paleoceanography (she did lab experiments that tested how life affects rock formation in order to better understand the marine rock record and reconstruct past ocean conditions).
Now she is working on NSF-funded postdoctoral research and teaching at the University of South Carolina. Her current research aims to increase geoscience enrollment and engagement by transforming existing misconceptions surrounding the field.
Academia isn't everything...
Rachel is an academic, but also an athelete. She trained at the World Olympic Gymnastics Academy as a gymnast for 10 years, then moved on to play golf through college.
She picked up research after wrapping up her collegiate golf career and has been in love ever since. Although, sometimes she will go swing the club around again.
Thank You!
The feedback I have received on my channel has brought new meaning to my career as a scientist and greatly enhanced my love for science.
Thank you all who have watched my content & supported me! -Rachel